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“I’m pretty sure my statement about schools in europe (and it’s more then france) was made in response to the comment “we shouldn’t have to protect schools””

Right. We shouldnt HAVE to. dont you agree? Unfortunatly if there is no chioice than we have to but that is sad.
I’ll back up I’m not sure where I lost you

Health said (I’m paraphrasing) we just have to accept mass shootings as a way of life in the US and have armed gaurds outside schools

I said . IF no alternative then yes we need to protect children, but given that this is a US issue, it is hard to imagine there is no alternaivie as armed gaurds ioutside schools is bedieved.

This is where you come in,. you said “Don’t the jewish schools in Europe have armed guards despite the restrictive gun laws?”

to which I explained , they arent protecting from Mass shootings they are there for another reason.

You ask “Clearly you want to draw some distinction between terrorism and school shootings.

becasue they are different. they have different causes, motives, means, (though sadly the outcomes are similar) . Just like you dont lump medical errors and car accidents together.
Moreover even if you DO lump them together they still are doing better. Including terrorosim, Frnace STILL has had less mass shootings. And a majhority of schools dont require armed gaurds. Yes a few Jewish ones do, but that is far better than the reccomendation made by health.\
Further still, it is hard to imagine how exapnding say the No-fly -list to becoem a no-gun-list will further terrorism in the US

Finally you ask
“Why arent school shootings a form of terrorism (that we all seem to realize can’t be stopped)?”

Because it is a uniquely American problem. I agree that the exact reasons why are hard to pin down, but it is hard to argue that the fact that it is so easy to get a gun, and that we have the highest civiallian arsenal have soemthing to do with it
As I mentioned in my first post see the Onion’s headline “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”

If you agree with that statment, you are falling for a joke.

“If you read my posts you would see I am in favor of mandatory safety training etc. Higher age requirements. Federal background checks
so how do we disagree?”

Maybe we don’t! so join me in wriiting our congressman, lets march on Washington. vote for Democratic pro-life candidates