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I’m sorry I didnt mean that you implied that you would take up arms. I war referring to this “the 300M guns cant disappear without confiscation. …massive resistance resulting in …, perhaps even violence” Another poster said a similar thing. Say a democratically elected Govt repeals the second amendment and guns are confiscated. I would expect law abiding citizens to comply, and arguing that many wouldnt makes me worry about giving them guns in the first place.

Obviously that is essentially an impossibility, but say all guns have to be registered. Say the supreme court, says wel the second amendment calls for the right to be “well regulated” which we interpret to mean a registry of all guns (note not ordinarily regulated, it must be well regulated). I also suspect some of the “very nice guys” identified in by another poster will resort to violence.

in short, arguing that good guys should be allowed to keep guns otherwise they will get violent just isnt a convincing argument.

“It is clear historically that govt’s that confiscated guns often did so as a precuser to repression.”
Oy Australian repression is notorious.

“It is clear that the second amendment allows gun ownership.”
that isnt clear, and until recently it was not understood that way.

“It is clear that mass shootings are a fairly recent scourge and therefore unlikely directly linked to gun ownership”

Can it be because of the ease at purchasing weapons that are far deadlier and fire a rapid pace compared to the past. Yes I know we can google weapons that existed 200 years ago that were equally deadly but those were the exception rather than the rule.

” to the Warsaw ghetto”

Ive asked this before, which armed uprising in US history do you support? the whiskey rebellion? the confederacy? The Branch Davidians?
What about me Tax day is coming I hope to fight off the tyranical IRS from taking my hard earned money. IS this my right? How exactly does this work who decides when the govt is “tyrannical” ?

Furthermore if we have to fight the govt we need tanks jets and missiles. do I have a right to own those? Particularly as the second amendment clearly protects my right to bear “arms” not just guns and all of the above are “arms”