Reply To: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings????

Home Forums In The News Is there any way to prevent mass shootings???? Reply To: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings????


1. Well I do. I have treated victims of all of those. And there is no comparison.
There is a reason why there is an expression “dont bring a knife to a gun fight” hoursbefore the Newton shooting in December 2012 there was a mass stabbing in a school in china. 24 people stabbed. none killed. Look at the recent stabbings in Israel. Do you really beleive the outcomes would havebeen the same if the terrorists had guns instead of knives? I grant these arent the most scientific explanation

2. That is a change thanks to people who have said enough is enough. In the past Wayne Lapierre has opposed expanding background checks

3. Ok

4. there are few such countries they are the exception.