Reply To: Common Sense Gun Policies

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Toi and daas
There is a legal definition of “assault rifle” but as I have pointed out time and time again it’s not based on addressing the lethality of the rifle (ie it’s ability to rapidly kill people) rather it’s based on its cosmetics.
Assault rifle laws all identify “features “ that politicians somewhere decided are problematic and ban them from semi automatic rifles. For example a bayonet lug under the barrel (the funniest and most idiotic/illogical of the banned features) or the ability to adjust the stock (useful if multiple people of different arm lengths want to use the same weapon) . Or the protruding handle. so these laws basically say that if you want to own a semi auto you can’t have any of these other features.
But these features have nothing to do with the lethality of the gun and therefore come across as being nothing but a political fix rather then a logical fix to the problem.
And because of this inherent flaw savvy people can always circumvent these laws
For example
As I pointed out on the previous thread
You can cut off the handle from the the gun (for ex. The RAK 47)
Or even if you want to preserve the looks of your AR/AK you can fix the magazine (make it non removable) and then load it with speed loaders made by a company called “mean”. Their you tube clips show them loading the gun in under 5 seconds, roughly equivalent to the time necessary to change a ar/ak clip.
Thus my harping on the Illogic of the situation/laws. And thus my constant questioning of laws that will create felons of Americans that see the illogic.
A freilichin Purim to all 🙂