Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵

Home Forums Shidduchim Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵 Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵


Takes2: What’s the issur of disclosing it “right before getting engaged”, given the engagement didn’t yet occur?
V’ohavta l’rayacha kamocha.
Many many times the person receiving the news breaks off the shiduch and u want to know what issir wad caused?
You stole someone’s time, you strung them along for no reason other then selfishness. You hurt them emotionally. You stole thier money when you went out to eat. All this knowing full well that as soon as the shadchan is will be asking about when the guy guy or girl is ready is the time that a load of bricks will fall down on the presective shidduch. Joseph u Still want to know whats wrong with this sheker?