Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵

Home Forums Shidduchim Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵 Reply To: Keeping Mental Illness A Secret In Shidduchim🤕 🤒🤐👰🤵

Shopping613 🌠

Yitzy I hear. Listen, like I’ve told many people, if you tell me someone is really matim, then I’ll look into it.
Besides for that, my mom says I’m not even 20 and I shouldn’t “settle”. Meaning Chav Vshalom marry a working guy…..or someone not learning full time.

So yeah, I don’t think she’d go for anyone with meds.
It’s not that I’m anti marrying someone with meds, but it brings a challenge I have no expiurience with, and I don’t know if I’d willingly put myself in the position of dealing with that for the rest of my life. Of course, in a few years from now, if I hadn’t found my bashet (which hopefully won’t happen) at the age of 24, 25 I think rethinking is necessary, and meds are definitely something I’d learn more about and make myself comfortable with.

On that note I know a girl with bipolar, I don’t know which one, but I do know it was really out of control, and she managed to get married at 21. Hashem manages to get abusive, horrible people married. Although it’s kinda sad, it kinda reminds you Hashem is truly in charge……