Reply To: Have We Made Peseach Too Easy?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Have We Made Peseach Too Easy? Reply To: Have We Made Peseach Too Easy?


I’m in my mid 60s. My grandparents and great grandparents were born in the USA, not the alte heim. My paternal grandmother never made Pesach in her life. By the time my great grandmother no longer was able to make Pesach my grandparents came to my parents for the entire holiday. Mrs. CTL and I have hosted the entire clan for the past 25 years. We do not buy any prepared foods.
We taught our children they can live without the extras for a week and experience some of the deprivation those enslaved and then freed from bondage in Mitzraim endured.
We eat many simple meals during Pesach, green salads, with protein, stews, fresh fruit for dessert and almost no baked goods.