Reply To: Marriage?

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You are correct.
My example fell short.
Let me rephrase.
If I post ”I think most people with glasses are nerds.” (probably more in line with common stereotyping than some random insult tacked on to ”people with glasses ”) I think most people with glasses would shrug it off. For the reasons mentioned.
As to your sensitivity part. One word
”context ”
This was not a trolling post
”I think store workers are beneath me ”
This was a personal post about dealing with finding a shidduch and how to react to specific pieces of information.
To leave out her personal prejudices would sort of make the whole post worthless.
”I am dating. Sometimes I get information that would make me not want to date that person. How should I proceed? ”
See what I mean. So yes if you are looking to have a discussion that a major factor is your personal predilections for or against certain lifestyle choices, it sort of behooves you to say out what they are in order to have a sensible conversation.
As you say
Heavy stuff