Reply To: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach? Reply To: When Did People Start Eating Shmura Maztos The Entire Pesach?

Reb Eliezer

I left out the siman about the MB SK 13 it is O”CH Hilchas Yom Tov 495:2
where the Mechaber holds that cutting from the attached on yom tov is only forbidden orally. Therefore according to the Yerushalmi in Betza 8:2 brought down in Tosfas on daf 3 at the end from Rabbi Nesanel Mikinun
the guarding of matzos from chometz would also be from cutting on.