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@coffeeaddict Einstein was very open about his beliefs. He maintained that it’s possible Hashem exists, but he refused to believe in Him. He really disliked religion in general too.

For all those calling him a kofer, nu. That’s unfortunately most of the world these days. Good thing it’s not the kefira that would be chayav misa like Hinduism or certain aspects of X-tianity. If he were a X-tian would that automatically make him a better person? Hitler Y”S was an X-tian last I checked.

As for his “anti-Semitism” that’s everyone getting offended over nothing. He expressed neutral support for the Israel-Palestinian conflict in order to keep away from political discussion. He did a lot of work with Israeli scientists, but he also one time may have caved to BDS pressure. Since it’s a hot topic, neutrality is impossible and he got blasted from all sides for “siding with the Zionists/Palestinians”. You guys sound like all those liberals who get all offended when a person states that there are only two genders or whatever narischkeit it is these days.