Reply To: Who should lightthe Diaspora torch on Yom HaAtzmaut

Home Forums Politics Who should lightthe Diaspora torch on Yom HaAtzmaut Reply To: Who should lightthe Diaspora torch on Yom HaAtzmaut


Avi K- The land of Israel and state of israel are about as synonymous as black and white. Why would you insist on supporting a movement (largely dead) that was founded on principle of and continues to operate a systematic divestment of religion. Can one not claim to love the land Hashem gave to the Jews and still call out the zionists for what they truly are? Is your love so great for EY that you’d subscribe to evangelical christianity when they too espouse an idea of jews living in israel? Why is that the deciding factor in following the movement? Do you not see how much they despise Hashem and His Torah? You are mamash out to lunch. Enjoy your hummus…