Reply To: What tastes better Hand Matzah or Machine Matzah?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach What tastes better Hand Matzah or Machine Matzah? Reply To: What tastes better Hand Matzah or Machine Matzah?


I’ve checked with my Rav before we set this up years ago.
He is of the opinion that what you quote from the Shulchan Aruch uses the word Etzel meaning next to or adjoining the oven. So I would not knead the dough on the couter whoch abuts the oven.

Our work tables are steps away from the oven and he paskens that if just fine. Outdoors that distance is more than sufficient to make sure the work surface is not warmed by the oven which could cause the dough to rise at an accelerated rate.

We did our baking this past Sunday. The temperature was about 34 degree Farenheit. The 4 ft distance from tables to oven door were not affected by the heat from the wood burning oven.

Thanks for your concern, but we checked it out long ago. Since our Rav not only gave his ok, but eats matzo from our oven, I’m fine with it as it stands.