Reply To: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day? Reply To: Where it says that there is a jiyub to put on Tfillin every day?


‘The Chasam Sofer held that a person who does not follow shamita should not be עולה”

I think he brings it as a minhag of Rav Noson Adler, he is stating against the minhag of chasidim (at the time) that didn’t allow anyone wearing wool to be olah. He says what about Chadash (something chassidim weren’t makpid) etc.
In any case i don’t think it has with tefilin as many rishonim hold you should not wear any Chol Hamoed, whereas he is talking about someone who did make a prusbal.