Reply To: Neo-Nazis Running For Congress

Home Forums Politics Neo-Nazis Running For Congress Reply To: Neo-Nazis Running For Congress

Avi K

Chiefshmerel, socialism is fundamentally anti-Jewish as it involves the robbery of people’s private property. Moreover, the DSA would make the already bloated, failed welfare state even more bloated. From where would the money come? By soaking working people – and Chazal enjoined the authorities not to encumber the public (this, in fact, led to the split in the Tanachic kingdom).

1. In 2004, Davis “crowned” the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon in a religious ceremony at the Dirksen Senate Office Building,. So far as I know he has never disavowed Moon.
2. Anyone who still believes in socialism is not sane.
3. Democratic socialists are often the biggest anti-communists around. There is no fight like a family fight.