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“You seem to be upset that Hilchos Yerusha haven’t been thrown out the window and they are still binding Halacha today.”
“When we say Shulchan Aruch we include the Rema in that terminology. ”
Yes and if not the Remah then the shach, if not the Remah and shach then minhag I get it. We follow everything in shulchan Aruch to the tee unless there is another shitah telling us not to. Profound.
See the thread where a posek said kitnios kelim are assur on yom tov which is not a Rema (let alone MEchaber)
See Y”D 192 Shach s”k 4 says tody arent noheg like the Remah there (an admittedly random example, it is just the most recent one I encountered there are many, ok several.)
I’m not upset at all. the bottom line is hilchos yerusha are generally not practiced the the Torah proscribes.
Yes I’m familiar with your sources. I’m not saying there are no answers given, some being better than others. Kohanim Meyuchsin isnt quite satisfying, as you may know we allow these “non-meyichas” kohanim to make a beracha for duchaning, e give them Pidyon haben, it seems strange all of a sudden for this they arent meyuchas. I’m not rejecting the answer outright, I just dont find it satisfying, and Like R’ Akiva Eiger I find the question better than the answer.
“None of the examples cited are mitsvos.”
I have to assume you didnt read the thread properly. some of the examples include:
tzaras- the PAsuk says “vehuva el hakoehin” There is a mitzvah asei if a person has a white spot to go to a kohein this is brought in chinuch 169. this is not practiced today.
Yibbum I’m not sure how you cna say this isnt a mitzvah
Yerusha – Mitzvah 400 “ish ki yamus uben ein lo vehavartem es nachalaso levito”
The Torah is quite clear how to pass on inheritence after a person dies. We generally do not follow this.