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Ctrl Alt Del – From Health -“Tell me – when do you treat Bronchitis with antibiotics?”

“Oy……amateur hour. A real giveaway of your internet doctor status. My baser temptation would be to thoroughly embarrass you, with a query that isn’t Google-able, and would lay bare your ridiculousness, but I’m not. Simply because….sometimes you avoid doing things because it lessens you personally. So I am choosing not to lessen myself.
Oh, and PS: short and sweet answer… dont.”

To E/O – I wanted to see if this guy who claims he knows more than me, is being truthful.
The question I asked was very much to differentiate whether he’s a medical professional or just knows a little, like a paramedic.
It’s quite obvious – he’s Not a medical professional!
He does make a good English teacher. Most Medical professionals in our day and age have a hard time with English.
The answer he gave was a correct answer for a layman!
But the answer for a medical professional should have been like this :
From Medscape:
“Antibiotics, however, are recommended in patients older than 65 years with acute cough if they have had a hospitalization in the past year, have diabetes mellitus or congestive heart failure, or are on steroids.[20]”
Also, antibiotics are helpful in a patient with Chronic Bronchitis, who presents with acute symptoms.

IMHO, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”