Reply To: climate change

Home Forums Wonders of Creation climate change Reply To: climate change


“Reminds me of the Coffee research… Drinking coffee is terrible…”

I dont really understand this argument. Do you smoke in the hopes that one day soon it will AGAIN be discovered how beneficial they are?
As GH says public policy should be determiend based on CURRENT scientific consensus. not hope for what future studies may show. and the fact that when faced with conflicting evidence gets them to change their mind, onlt makes them MORE belevable not less. Just the opposite, its the fellow who isnsits that ciggarettes are safe or that vaccines cause autism based on one study from decades ago that we should be wary of.

“HaShem, in all His wisdom, capabilities, has not left the Driver’s Seat. He’s still in charge of the world AND EVERY THING IN IT.”

Again that doesnt absolve us from histhadlus. yesterday I built my home on the beach It seemed safe since just before I built it the water was rushing away. Some Kofer told me this was a bad place to build there since later that afternoon the water would rush back flooding my home. I tolfd that kofer that only Hashem was incharge of water and if he wanted by basement to flood it would flood wherever I built it. Of course due to some aveira I did when high tide came by basemnent flooded .

while of course not the same, I’m not sure why warning of rising sea levels and making efforts to reverse it or avoid it is inherently a bad thing , and that doing so indicates that He isnt in charge ch”v