Reply To: chazaka meiikara

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The Nefesh Hachaim I believe is shar gimel perek aleph, and there is no contradiction to the concept of a constant chiddush ha’olam, rather as I elucidated above the chidush ha’olam is made in a way which practically in our existence is only perceived as sustaining what was, this is not to say that it is a perpetuation, there is only a reality put into the context the was. It is brand new, not dependent on what was, just made anew like what was in the general existence. Take a look at the Maharal in hakdama to gevros hashem, I believe it may be hakdama shlishi where he discusses the methods Hashems perpetuates existence with. Further clarification is probably better to be done with a Rabbi well versed in haskafa, for it appears a lot of the dialect is lost in the medium of the coffee room and the contest to answer the question, and leave the questioner unsatisfied.