Reply To: climate change

Home Forums Wonders of Creation climate change Reply To: climate change


“you are right about breathing being part of a cycle, yet water usage is part of a cycle as well, which still doesn’t prevent these wise environmentalists from warning us not to consume too much water even in places with ample water supply.”

ITs not the water that is being conserved. There is plenty of water over 70% of the Earth is covered in water. As yo umay know though most of that water isnt drinkable. He needs to be processced. While sea water isnt directly being used for drinking generally the rain water too is processed (not sure wh you put it in quotes) purifying the water takes energy. THAT is what “conserving water” conserves.
Plus rain water isnt always predictable, thus yes droughts occur .

air on the other hand does not need to be purified the little CO2 we exhale is more than adeuqrtly handled by plants and does not contribute muc hto global CO2 emissions