Reply To: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal”

Home Forums Kashruth Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” Reply To: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal”

Neville ChaimBerlin

Milhouse: He did mention the Rema/Machaber earlier. His assertion is that anything that happened after the times of the Rema is fair game to do whatever you want (eg. any shailah resulting from technology that didn’t exist then). He’s then going to pretend to be surprised that there are people on YESHIVA World News who don’t support shittah window shopping because “every rabbi he’s ever hear of” says it’s OK to chose whatever shittah makes you feel good. It’s really not worth going into. It’s derailing the thread, which he’s now trying to slyly accuse US of being responsible for.