Reply To: Meshulachim

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I have yet to see anywhere that there is a chiyuv to give to a specific cause. Just the opposite. We are required to vet tzedakos bf giving and are granted latitude to decide whobwe give to.
Personally I shy away from many popular tzedakas for various reasons, including not liking the percentage that goes to fundraising or administrative costs, feeling that the advertising campaign goes against Halacha etc.
My largest donations go to organizations I have vetted and individuals I know (or my rabbeim know) that don’t have two cents to rub together.
So feel free to be judgemental if you find a particular tzedakah distasteful. Just make sure to give tzedakah.
But remember, just bc you don’t like a particular tzedakah doesn’t mean that giving to that tzedakah isn’t counted as giving. Case in point, the famous Halacha that giving a formerly rich person a Mercedez is tzedakah. Most of us find that a poor usage of tzedakah and would shy away from that gofundme program. But that doesn’t mean Hashem views it any less an act of charity.