Reply To: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim

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True, Gananit, and it would be much more appropriate and logistically feasible to have it in say Tel Aviv, but the host country usually hosts in their capital, and for Israel to host anywhere but Jerusalem would be a statement that they do not want to make.
The chilul shabbos is a real issue since the event always takes place Saturday night, and this time of the year Shabbos is out late. I can’t see the frum population of Yerushalayim accepting it without protest. If a frum mayor is elected in the coming months, perhaps it could be avoided.
which brings me back to the best solution- that Moshiach should come before the Eurovision does. Despite GH’s cynicism, waiting and believing in Moshiach’s imminent arrival is an eker emunah for chabad and non-chabad alike.