Reply To: Keren Hasaot of Chinuch Atzmai

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Keren Hasaot of Chinuch Atzmai Reply To: Keren Hasaot of Chinuch Atzmai


Ironically enough I was just at the iriyah earlier today to speak to someone about different options for school signup. All our children are currently in chinuch atzmai schools and one of the ladies there told me in a hushed breath to be very careful about what school we move our son to as our daughter’s beit yaakov will do regular checks and if they don’t like the new place we send her brother to they may want to kick her out, even though she’s been there 3 years already and is an exemplary student. She wasn’t saying it as a “vadai” but just a potential scenario to be aware of.