Reply To: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones?

Home Forums Computers / Electronics / Online Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? Reply To: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones?

Avram in MD


“The original question still remains even with all the bans in place
How can one trust ones self.
For example:
Your out in idaho on a business trip and you have no kosher food,how can you trust yourself from not walking into wendys?
Or your in bed and your very tired, how can you trust yourself not to miss zman krias shma?
What kinda bans according to u are out there? So my question still isnt answered . Why are we only concerned about yrusting ourselves with intetnet?
Do we trust ourselves with loshon hora??”

This is the fallacy of reductio ad absurdum, and I doubt you’re making a serious argument. But I’ll share my personal answers anyway.

1. Among the population who have and listen to rebbeim, there is not a widespread eating at Wendy’s problem. So making blanket gedarim for Wendy’s is superfluous, though as DY pointed out, if an individual has an unusually strong taiva, he should not even go anywhere near the restaurant. In contrast, there is a widespread misuse of smartphones/internet problem.

2. There are actually halachos in place because we don’t trust ourselves to remember to daven/say shema. For example, if it is time to daven maariv, one should daven before eating the evening meal to avoid forgetting, getting tired, and going to bed. At the end of the day though, the spiritual dangers involved with smartphones are worse than accidentally forgetting maariv because you couldn’t stay awake. As far as oversleeping past the zman in the morning, it’s again not a widespread problem, but if one does have trouble getting up, he should for sure not trust himself and set an alarm clock. Changes to his sleeping habits if possible, or even a trip to the doctor might be in order.

3. As others have written already earlier in the thread, we are concerned with trusting ourselves or having accidents in many different situations, hence hilchos yichud, hilchos nidda, much of hilchos kashrus, the time we stop eating chometz on erev Pesach, etc. etc. Your assertion that it is just the internet we worry about is spurious.

4. No, we certainly don’t trust ourselves with lashon hara! Hence the laws against avak lashon hara, living in a place where lashon hara is rampant, hearing others speak it, etc.