Reply To: It’s not only a segula, it’s a mitzvah too!

Home Forums Bais Medrash It’s not only a segula, it’s a mitzvah too! Reply To: It’s not only a segula, it’s a mitzvah too!


Someone who knows my identity and saw this discussion last week just sent me an audio from Rav Reismans july 4 hakel on mishley.
He starts off the shiur by discussing these tzedakah “segulah” ads
He first starts by stating that many of these ads are straight out sheker and therefore the tzedakah is guilty of theft (he told a story of someone borrowing money to get a promised segulah)
But after saying that he feels the gedolim need to make a macha, he says “I want to stay out of the politics and instead discuss why people are so dumb that they actually believe these promises” (His words, not mine. feel free to find the cd and listen)