Reply To: Would you have learned differently in yeshiva/kollel in hindsight

Home Forums Bais Medrash Would you have learned differently in yeshiva/kollel in hindsight Reply To: Would you have learned differently in yeshiva/kollel in hindsight

Truth Seeking

I feel that people here have forgotten that Torah comes via mesorah.
Its only with a Rebbi one will ever truly be able to konah an understanding of how to learn gemara.
The way I see it is that in Yeshiva/Kolel once has the ability to acquire the mesorah of how to learn.
He has the rest of his life to explore the depth of Torah.
Lets face it, how many people once they step into the working world are stiill learning iyun – they all tend to shift to daf yomi. So at least this way they’ve acquired the skills and mesorah how to learn gemara properly.

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