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Besalel: the community sent no spokesman. He’s self appointed, and IIRC when he ran for political office he lost for lack of community backing.

The article seems to be low on research, and one of the places it shows is the way they lump Chasidim and litvaks, or simply frum, together. And while we may all be similar, if it’s supposed to be an in depth look, this points to superficiality.

Some of my gripes are the way they explain an eruv, so far failing to mention that part of the reason for the exponential growth of the out of Brooklyn communities is that we are being priced out of Brooklyn (which may be a small antidote to the next phase when rich Hasidic landlords will be blamed for Brooklyn gentrification at the expense of minorities) THAT WE WANT FRESH AIR LIKE ALL SUBURBANITES and the way the article flowed from New Square to the rest of Monsey/Spring Valley area so that I had to reread it to realize new paragraph, broader focus infused with lingering negativity.

And of course the way the Ramapo School Board was depicted (with photo to illustrate – see how Jewish the board members are) as “diverting” funds when most of these same funds are coming from the Orthodox, but apparently they’re entitled to NOTHING.

So yes I’d label it anti-Semitic in its slant, but unfortunately largely fed by not so well meaning Jews.