Reply To: Shidduch crisis affecting bochurim

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Symptoms of bochur being affected by the shidduch crisis:
– has a list of great girls pages long
– phone is ringing off the hook with shidduch suggestions months before he comes home from learning in Israel
– is being urged to go out at age 21 to close the age gap
– has so many good suggestions, that he can limit the ones he dates to those who live within a 10-min car drive
– has a hard time taking any suggestion seriously, because there is always another one on the list

Somehow, I have a feeling you were not thinking of the above when you started this thread.
Dating and finding one’s Bshert can be hard for both girl and boy, whether they have lots of dates or few dates. Defining it as a crisis does little good if it means that you panic and feel the situation is hopeless. It is hard, but this is the place you are meant to be right now, this is the challenge you are meant to overcome. You will find the right one, in the right time, the important thing is to continue growing and becoming the most you can be as you travel that road, no matter how short or long it is, whether it is smooth or bumpy.