Reply To: Isn’t Smoking אסור?!?!?!

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Isn’t Smoking אסור?!?!?! Reply To: Isn’t Smoking אסור?!?!?!

The little I know


Is there a rational way you can make your comment?

As of today, the most reliable go-to person on psokim from Reb Moshe ZT”L is Reb Dovid shlit”a. He does not need to “change a psak”, just to provide us with the Daas Torah of his father – rebbe muvhak. No, he is not a kofer, or any other nasty name you want to dump on him. I would oppose any effort to be mevazeh a Talmid Chochom like him. You should be ashamed of anyone who would do that. We chapp the gadlus of Reb Moshe as well as the gadlus of Reb Dovid.

Reb Moshe did not ever pasken a heter for smoking. If you reread his teshuvah, he stated clearly that no one should start smoking. Pretty much, anyone this post addresses is not old enough to have continued smoking which began before 1962. So stop the foolishness.