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DovidBT- ya many times generics don’t have as good a taste as name brands. With toothpastes and mouthwash and the like some might opt out of generics that don’t match up to brand names.

Ubiquitin-“since the brand name has exclusve rights for the first 7 years”
-first 7 years of what, from when generics come out? I think generics can only come out 20 years after invention of the drug(google). Even if it’s 7 years that only the brand name can sell, so what? What do they do once generics come out if most/everyone only bought generics since it’s so much cheaper.
Again unless there are specific circumstances that brands are required, if people knew that generics are as safe/effective and the same as brand name, everyone would get generic as per price wise. In that case wouldn’t brands be forced to lower or match prices lest they go out of business?

Another point is aren’t original brands usually one step ahead of competition? I usually don’t drink coke but who here besides for me actually prefers the knockoff to the coca cola company? Probably not many. And many other such cases where we see that the original products which came out before everyone usually have the upper hand in what they offer. Verizon in phone service, apple/Samsung in phones, sharpies in permanent markers, etc. So how can it be that brand name drugs have pretty much no advantage over generics and don’t differ? Or do they?