Reply To: Zivug Sheini shadchanim

Home Forums Shidduchim Zivug Sheini shadchanim Reply To: Zivug Sheini shadchanim


The reality is that a large percentage of divorces in the frum tzibur have nothing to do with “abuse” but simply reflect a greater acceptance of the reality that two people may not be emotionally suited for one another. While there is still a stigma on divorce, its not anything near what it was 10 or 20 years ago. There are frum websites and singles functions that are focused an older crowd. Friends may be aware of others in your situation and be willing to put you in touch. Your local rav/rebitzen and members of the family may also be willing to serve as an intermediary. But as others have noted, you have to be your own “shadchan” and take steps to get out in public and make people aware you are seeking to meet someone. They will not magically show up at your door.