Reply To: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!!

Home Forums Bais Medrash Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! Reply To: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!!


Baltimore is cheap (homes in good, safe, frum neighborhoods for under $150K). The local government is run by goyim who leave us alone, at worse, and are often friendly – unlike New York politics which are dominated by secular Jews who wish we would go away. The addition of an Hasidic Kollel “planted” a good number of people in the community. But at present there is still only one shul of Baal ha-Basim where the announcements are in Yiddish. The real test for growth will be if frum businesses start moving to Baltimore (other than one’s that solely sell to frum people, similar to stores such as “B&H in New York).