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Yiddish is very holy!
It was the official language of the Ivsektsia, the Jewish branch of the Russian communist party. It is said that the first constitution of the USSR was written in Yiddish by the Vilna branch of the Ivsektsia and later translated into Russian. (The holy? City of Vilna at that time was full of Jewish communists, socialists, and all kinds of Jewish ‘ists that were strongly against Torah! They all spoke Yiddish!)
Yiddish is also the official language of Birabidzhan, the “Jewish autonomous republic” that was set up by Stalin in the 30’s.
In its heyday, there were more than 40,000 Jews living there. They raised pigs, celebrated yom kippur with a ham sandwich, and, of course, spoke Yiddish.
Yiddish was also the official language of the Bund, the Jewish socialist party. They used to celebrate Kol Nidre night with a party in which pork was served. They were very very emancipated, and of course, spoke Yiddish.
Another reason for encouraging the use of Yiddidsh is that it resembles German, which we all know, is a very high culture language. German is such a cultured language that Herzl wanted it to be the official language of his Jewish state. So at least we can have Yiddish instead—it’s almost as good!
I can’t think of any more good things to say about Yiddish, but I think that what I have said above is enough to prove that Yiddish is a very “holy” and cultured language and should be encouraged.