Reply To: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!!

Home Forums Bais Medrash Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! Reply To: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!!


By me MO is also frum. Commitment to Torah and mitzvos is the criterion. What you wear on your head is irrelevant. In Baltimore We’re one community.

BTW, CHAI is not “less frum,” whatever that means. The senior programs are an add-on. The focus is still on home ownership for famlies. If you’re interested in buying, they have great workshops and listings for potential homeowners, plus listings for rentings.

B-moreMaven – Yes, come for a Shabbos and just walk around, but get a little background first so you know where you want to go.

(No, I’m not on the CHAI staff :-), but I’ve volunteered there. They also have a volunteer day twice a year for people to help out those in the community who can’t do their own yard work or minor repairs, which brings together all the different groups in Park Heights.)