Reply To: Two Children Caught With Radios In Catskills Interfering With Hatzolah Life Savi

Home Forums In The News Two Children Caught With Radios In Catskills Interfering With Hatzolah Life Savi Reply To: Two Children Caught With Radios In Catskills Interfering With Hatzolah Life Savi


@Ferd. to paraphrase someone else, you truly are talking out of the wrong end. So, THREE years ago Hatzalah of BP issued such a warning, yippeee!!!!. I’m IN woodridge during the summer. Have not heard a SINGLE word about anyone interfering with hatzalah frequencies. Not even a sign hanging in shul. Granted, I dont daven in every shul in woodridge and perhaps a simple measure like that was taken in SOME shuls, considering it is such a “vital” concern, why is the story of a confiscated radio on YWN and a WARNING anytime in the last 2 weeks, not? Sounds to me, like someone is interested in “hock”, nothing more, nothing less. YWN is great manure spreader.