Reply To: Is Yiddish Holy?

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Avi K

AY, it is well known and documented that Rav Kook already preferred to speak in Hebrew in Volozhin. I obviously do not know how well your parents spoke Hebrew but Rav Shlomo Aviner was commented thath is grandfather was once by a rav who only spoke “Hebrew” on Shabbat. The rav would say things like “roitzeh shoitteh?” in a valiant but futile attempt. Even major talmidei chachamim made glaring mistakes in speaking (I once attended a lecture on this). Even in writing there are many grammatical errors in sefarim (e.g. נשים חשובים).

As for having heard mussar talks (BTW “shmuess” comes from שמועות – news, not such a holy source), what about those who heard the Ben Ish Hai’s talks in Baghdad Jewish Arabic? It is said that small children were so awed that they sat quietly for hours. Does this make Baghdad Jewish Arabic holy?

Regarding modern Hebrew, just as a person can undergo giur so can a word. The Shela haKadosh says (Sanhedrin 4b regarding “tot” and “fot”) that some words were lost from Lashon haKodesh but retained by other peoples. Perhaps by bringing them back we are bringing back the sparks of kedusha in those languages.