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the fact is people dont have sech a TAAVA to eat traif or mechalel shabbos etc. but the tava to gilui arayos or avisreihoo….is very strong. אין אפיטרופוס לעריות. and its so easy to fall. one press of a botton and you are deep deep in a mud whole, and then its even harder to keep back ה’ ישמרנו.
and the fact is that many many finne yidden who do not eat tyraif and do not mechalel shabbos and daven 3 times a day. and have mehuderdige tefilin etc. etc. unfortunantly have fallen in the mud whole through computer and phone, and have caused so much tsoros for themselfes and their families. people have lost their families, jobs, health ה’ ישמרנו מכל צרה