Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary? Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?


The problem in this whole yeshiva tution crisis is that the Rebbes deserve to get paid and the Parents cannot afford the tutiton so there is a cash crunch

Are their parents who can pay more and dont? Of course, but they are not the majorty and even if a parent spluges a little it doesnt mean they should drop the “luxury” and pay more. Should one drive a 20 year old beat up Chevy instead of a late model Honda Accord. Should one move to a smaller apartment to save money.

Maybe people should eat cheaper foods and pay higher tution and even if the parents take a vacation, Most vacations arent as luxirious as you think. You can spend $500-$1000 for a vacation that isnt going to make a big different, but it might help the sanity of the parents a little