Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary? Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?


Joseph says:

No rebi should be given a wage that leaves his family indigant and needing or qualified for government welfare programs. Our rebbeim need to treated much better than that. How would YOU like to work on a wage that forces you to collect government welfare, food stamps and/or medicaid??!
No one is forcing any rebi to do anything. If they choose to go for a low paying job that is thier perogative.
Nobody should tell anyone what to do but dont come crying after you make your decision on the job you chose.
Like i said before, many rabbeim i know are simply not intetested in a major raise because they know they will lose some major government subsidies ie: hud , health insurance etc. They also know that no yeshiva will pay them enough to make up that differece they get from the government.
Its sorta catch 22. for this same reason its simpler to stay in kollel all your life because uncle sam has you covered. Its a messed up system but this is reality. Thanx to obama.