Reply To: Most of us have heard and used the term siyata dishmaya .סייעתה דשמיה.

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Most of us have heard and used the term siyata dishmaya .סייעתה דשמיה. Reply To: Most of us have heard and used the term siyata dishmaya .סייעתה דשמיה.

Reb Eliezer

How does one shteig (climb higher)? There is constantly a confilct between the body and soul. The Ben Ish Chay says the Shabbos is a day of peace because eating for shabbos sake unites them. To make peace and resolve them explains the Chasam Sofer we do something small for the benefit of the soul until the body gets used to it and continue this to improve ourself day by day. This is what is meant in סור מרע ועשה טוב בקש שלום ורדפהו turn away from bad and do good by creating peace (between body and soul) through fighting the peace.