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Yanky, which definition of rasha do we use? According to Rambam (Hilchot Teshuva 3:1) he is someone whose aveirot outweigh his mitzvot. According to the Mechaber (SA CM 34:2-3) he is someone who has knowingly violated any halacha and not done teshuva . The Baal haTanya (Likutei Amarim c. 11) has a more general definition that we cannot know: someone whose animal soul is more powerful than his divine soul. It would seem that many frum Jews at least fit the Mechaber’s definition: those who cheat on their taxes, run scams, say lashon hara for starters.
As for members of other movements and their leaders, the former are all tinokkot shenishbu. Even most of the leaders are in that category. I once heard a Conservative (if I remember correctly she was clergy) ask why it matters how many melachot one does with one action being that one can only be killed once. Apparently she never even heard of a chattat.