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WOW! we are talking about a מנהג practiced by thousands and thousands of yidden for generations, many who are rebbes, rabonim, roshei yeshivos, talmidei chachomim muflagim, shomrei torah umitzvah who are medakdek bekala uvachamura, mekayemei mitzvos behidur, 2 pairs of tefilin, big tefilin to be yotze the opinion that אצבעיים על אצבעיים is the בית itself not including the תיתורא, wearing only wool talis katan evem in the summer, big talis katan and making sure the beged is spread out all day as the opinion that the shiur has to be spread out, not shaving as most פוסקים hold, not drinking even water out of the sukka, wearing a gartel during davening as it says in shulchan aruch and not looking for קולות, etc. etc. etc. and not being satisfied with keeping all this themselfs but going with מסירת נפש to all corners of the glob to bring yidden closer to yiddishkeit, are you saying that these yidden are being oiver a safek d’oraita??? and how didnt it enter your mind that maybe maybe maybe these yidden have a מקור for this practice, and maybe some of the yidden know how to learn just abit better then you?
The truth is i wasnt sure if i should reply to you. it seems to me that you are not interested in finding out the source to this practice. you are interested in just attacking heiligge yidden that may have diferent costoms then yourself. and whatever source i will bring you will knock it and twisted to your agenda. but i did decide to reply, because you are a yid and your essence is good, and maybe you will change your attitude. plus maybe some readers realy want to have some clarification on this matter.
so lets start with 2 sources (one i mentioned above but for some reason you ignored it). מסכת סוטה דף לד ע”ב ויעלו בנגב ויבא עד חברון ויבאו מיבעי לי’ אמר רבא מלמד שפירש כלב מעצת מרגלים והלך ונשתטח על קברי אבות אמר להן אבותי בקשו עלי רחמים שאנצל מעצת מרגלים.
תוספות there brings 2 more sources. this גמ,is brought down in רש”י פ’ שלח.
קיצור שולחן ערוך סימן קכח סעיף יג נוהגין לילך בערב ר”ה אחר תפלת שחרית לבית הקברות להשתטח על קברי הצדיקים ונותנים שם צדקה לעניים ומרבים תחנונים לעורר את הצדיקים הקדושים אשר בארץ המה שימליצו טוב בעדנו ביום הדין.
avi k i wanto wish you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה.
i strongly suggest you visit the rebbe’s ohel before rosh hashana. (no one will know :))