Reply To: Using an Image of A Rabbi for Shmira

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Avi K

1. Rabbi Eliezer ben Tzaddok says it is. Do you consider him to have been a Protestant? You obviously have no idea what darchei Emori is nor do you have an idea what Protestantism is.
2. The Torah says that about many mitzvot. It is the merit of the mitzva. However, it can be overridden by an aveira. You are making the same mistake Elisha ben Abuya made (Bavli Haggiga 66a, Yerushalmi Haggiga 2:1).
3. Please cite the Gemara that says that non-Jews are protected by it.
4. Who says that it is the pesak of the “overwhelming majority of klal yisroel and of gedolei hamekubalim”? BTW, the Chatam Sofer says (Responsa OC end of 51) that someone who mixes Halacha and Kabbala makes kilayim.
5. So what if he contradicts the Zohar (please cite the place)? Many poskim do not pasken according to it. For example, the Zohar says ( Parshat Chayai Sarah page 132 and Bamidbar page 20) to put on the hand tefillin while seated but Ashkenazim stand.