Reply To: Using an Image of A Rabbi for Shmira

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No, Laskern, the nusach, which the overwhelming majority of mekubalim and of klal yisroel endorse, is to address the malachim and the middos directly. Those who opposed these nuschaos were a small minority and their opinion is rejected.

AviK, the Zohar is the piece that is printed in Maaneh Loshon. And Klal yisroel has accepted the authority of the Zohar and of Kabbalas haAriZal. Any psak that was made in ignorance of the kabala is automatically outdated, since if the posek had known the kabala he would have ruled differently.

When you claim that Rebbi didn’t really mean the mezuza would protect Arteban, you are just making things up. There is not even the slightest hint that he “really” meant for him to keep the 7 mitzvos. He said “You sent me something that I must protect, but I sent you something that will protect you”. There are not two ways of understanding that.