Reply To: Should pregnant women fast on Yom Kippur?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Should pregnant women fast on Yom Kippur? Reply To: Should pregnant women fast on Yom Kippur?


“implying that fasting tends to cause women to go into labor”

I’m not quite sure wh yit would have bearing
It isnt just an implication, this is well established and documented (the reason for which is that ADH, a hormone released when the body needs to conserve water as in a fasting state is structurally similar to oxytocin which induces labor)
Medically speaking this isnt generally an issue. People are induced on a literally daily basis for a variety of reasons including the Ob’s convenience if he has a vacation planned next week.
Rabbonim generally oppose inducing preterm labor, for reasons that wouldnt really apply to possibly “inducing” by fasting. There isnt (generally) a sakanah neither to the mother nor child