Reply To: Lubavitch Hats

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Sechel HaYashar

We don’t cut our beards for 2 reasons.
1. Halacha.
The Tzemach Tzedek considers it to be an Issur Deoraysa, for two reasons, a: השחתה (destroying the beard) b: לא ילבש גבר not dressing as a woman. The Minchas Elazar also holds it to be an Issur Deoraysa.
2. Kabbalah.
The beard is יג תיקוני דיקנא, corresponding to the Yud Gimmel Midos HaRachamim. The AriZal says that the beard should not be cut (excluding the mustache) for it draws down שפע and Brocha from above. The same AriZal that instructed not to cut the beard in the very same place instructs to cut the peyos short so they don’t mix with the beard.
-Taamei HaMitzvos, Kedoshim.


I’ve heard that Svoroh once before, from a Litvishe Bochur actually, it sounds nice, but I don’t think it’s correct. Also, Tzitzis can stay perfectly straight tucked in as well.

Chabad Shlucha:

Thanks for the endorsement, it’s not often you agree with me:)