Reply To: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons

Home Forums Controversial Topics Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons Reply To: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons

🍫Syag Lchochma

DY – i think youre doing that thing again where you pull something out of context and jump on it without the big picture. You may be right that the risk of getting hit by a car is less than 50% sometimes, but the risk will be 50 or more if you don’t look ever. You can’t pull a statistic on an isolated case in specific set up (ie a small street at 3 am) and say that it yransfers to a recurring or chronic behavior. Not locking my car door once may not be a 50% risk for theft, but not locking my car door is probably way over 50%