Reply To: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons

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#4 and final
That said as I’ve said bf it’s a machlokes. From what I can tell most hold my deterministic view. Personally I think Rav Moshe did from the famous story of him not putting on a seatbelt until asked “to do a yid a favor” ( though I don’t pretend to understand the mind of a gadol). Last week I was listening to Rav Reisman yarchei kallah speeches on sefer Daniel. In the second speech he touches on this idea, whether a person can alter fate. If you are meant to get a bloody nose and Hashem places a person with a temper in front of you. If he fails his test and hits you, that’s one way to get the bloody nose. If he passes his test (great for him) but you still fall and get your bloody nose.
However, there is a shita (he quoted the alshich) that someone can cause you harm that you were not destined for.
According to ( what I believe) is the majority opinion, if these Jews in Pittsburgh were meant to die that day it could have come from a maniac with a gun or a faulty gas connection. In England a place with minimal gun death , death still happens from knives to cancer.
But the alshich agrees with you (from what I can tell)