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When they learned in Brooklyn after high school in CT and before college/Law school their Yeshiva dorm was less than 3 blocks from my paternal grandparents’ home and those of Grandma’s three sisters. These were the only homes they ate in while in Brooklyn. Zaidy and his brothers in law were more apt to be giving the boys bottles of booze and cash and the women gave food goodies to take back to yeshiva. The boys would run errands for these elder family members, do chores in the homes and drive them to shopping, etc.
Both went to college and Law school at Penn and if going to a family for Shabbos they took a bottle for the adults and candy for the children. I don’t think any hosts were regular stops. They did not have Friday classes and came home most Thursday nights. If they had reason to stay in Philadelphia they generally ate in their own apartment. They were/are competent cooks and bakers.