Reply To: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected

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You have never heard of a rhetorical question?
I use them to open your eyes to the truth of the Republican party.

The Democrats.passed the ACA bill. The Republicans voted 100% against it.
They get zero credit for pre-existing conditions

The Republian’s recently tried to repeal the ACA without replacing it. If you repeal the ACA- the law on pre-existing conditions is gone.

I do agree that the Republican’s realized after the Democrats passed the ACA that American’s love parts of it like the provision on pre-existing conditions and also the provision on insurance including dependents under 26.
The Graham-Cassidy bill got the closest to the new Republican view on the two. It kept the under 26 provision but allowed states the ability to opt-out of requirements that insurers charge the same premiums for healthy and sick customers.

Medicare and Medicaid were also passed by the Democrats. Once the Democrats passed them, the Republican’s realized their value.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said that to get the federal budget deficit under control — the deficit grew to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the largest since 2012 — Congress needs to reform entitlements such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
In laymen’s terms That means that they are spending too much on them and there have to be cuts.

My point is that a major amount of the chesed that the malchus shel chesed does is because of laws that the Democrats have passed – not the Republicans.